Marriage counselling in Nairobi

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Marriage counsellor near you in Nairobi

Problems in your marriage? Problems in your relationship? We can assist you.

Marriage counseling can help with the following common issues:

Communication Difficulties: You have the impression that your partner does not hear or understand you. It also hurts.

Arguing over the same issues day after day: You expect your friend to finally agree with you one day, but instead the argument escalates or one of you withdraws into silence.

Trust Issues: Your partner refuses to let you see his or her phone.

You don’t know what to do about infidelity or an affair. Can you rebuild trust and remain married after an affair?

Anxiety: Not knowing where you stand in your relationship can lead to stress, heartbreak, and anxiety.

Intimacy problems: Your sex life isn’t what it used to be, whether it’s because of children, aging, or emotional distance.

Parenting issues: You both want what is best for your children, but you disagree on what that is.

If you are having problems in your relationship, such as feeling distant, having difficulty communicating, or simply not “feeling the love,” we would like to assist you.

Our goal is to assist couples in developing and maintaining a happy, healthy, loving relationship. If that appeals to you, you’ve come to the right place.

For more information or a free phone consultation, please call 0741123944.

We will work together to help you improve communication issues, increase trust, reduce arguing, and enjoy your relationship again through marriage counseling (or relationship counselling) at Counselling Kenya

Here are some ways we hope to assist you with couples counselling:

  • Feeling more positive about your spouse (and yourself)
  • Improve your communication so that both you and your partner “feel heard and respected.”
  • Have a good time together.
  • Make problems easier to solve
  • Create trust
  • Make a shared vision for the future.

What Is the Process of Marriage Counselling (Relationship Counselling)?

Couples counselling is simply talking things out with an objective third party with one goal in mind: to help your relationship improve. According to research, talk therapy combined with some simple changes in the way you think and talk to each other can significantly improve marital satisfaction.

The licensed therapists at Counselling Kenya which has offices in Mombasa, are experts at helping couples better understand one another and teaching people how to work through struggles (big and small) in order to find the love they truly desire.

We are not born with the abilities to make excellent marriage partners. (You already know that men and women think differently, right?) However, these skills can be taught, resulting in greater ease and love.

When is it appropriate to seek marriage or relationship counselling?

Dr. John Gottman discovered that the average couple waits six years before seeking help for marital problems. When you consider that half of all marriages fail within the first eight years, it’s clear that getting help as soon as marriage problems arise is critical.

Bottom line: if your relationship is no longer making you happy, it’s time to seek marriage counseling.

What if your partner is unwilling to attend couples counseling?

You are invited and encouraged to come in on your own to talk about how to improve your marriage. While it may appear strange, we have been able to improve marriages by focusing on one partner. Marriage (or, for that matter, any relationship) is a system. We discovered that by assisting one person in learning to understand and communicate more effectively with their mate, the system changes.

This frequently means that the partner who is not participating in marriage counselling changes in response. When you think about it, it’s kind of amusing. You’ve tried everything to get the other person to hear you and change their behavior, but it hasn’t worked out so well. However, if you spend time learning how to be happier in your relationship, you may find that your relationship improves without you having to work so hard.

So yes! If your spouse refuses to participate in marriage counselling, consider scheduling an appointment to see if we can help you be happier in your relationship.

Please don’t wait until your distance has grown too great. Consider couples therapy right now. Because you deserve to be loved. And we want to help you have a more fulfilling, loving, and healthy relationship.

Your next steps are as follows:

Please call us today at 0741123944 to speak with one of our friendly Client Ambassadors who will listen to your story and set up an appointment.

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Start Your Journey Towards a Happier, Healthier You

Ready to take the next step? Schedule your personalized counseling session now and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you. At Counselling Kenya, we offer compassionate and tailored counseling services to support your mental and emotional well-being. Our experienced counselors specialize in individual, couples, and family therapy, providing a safe space to explore and address challenges effectively. Discover valuable insights and actionable strategies through our latest blogs, designed to empower you on your path to personal growth. Take charge of your mental health today with Counselling Kenya.

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