How to Deal with In-Laws Better

How to Deal with In-Laws Better

If you’re wondering how to deal with in-laws better, you’re not alone. Many face challenges with in-law relationships that can affect their marriage. Here are some tips to keep things healthy.

Make Allowance for Faults and Imperfections

Start with self-reflection. Ask yourself if you have contributed to the problem and be willing to change. Overlook your in-laws’ faults, recognizing that everyone has imperfections.

Setting Boundaries

Prioritize your immediate family—your spouse and children. While maintaining relationships with your extended family, establish healthy boundaries to protect your family’s wellness and stability.

Biological Child Should Address Issues

The spouse originally from the family should handle conflicts with their parents. This ensures a united front and prevents undermining the marriage.

Avoid Blaming Your Spouse

At some point, it’s inevitable. Your in-laws either unintentionally or intentionally will hurt you. If this happens, resist the urge to blame your spouse for their family’s behavior. Keep this in mind to make sure in-law conflicts don’t lead to conflicts with your spouse and immediate family later on.

In her “Psychology Today” article entitled 10 Ways to Have an Easier Relationship With Your In-Laws, Barbara Greenberg Ph.D. shares valuable advice on managing in-law relationships.

Involve Your In-Laws

Find ways for your in-laws to contribute meaningfully, such as caring for pets, babysitting, or housesitting. Discuss and agree on these roles to ensure they feel fulfilled and appreciated.

Seek Counseling

Consider professional counseling to navigate in-law challenges. A licensed counselor can offer unbiased, evidence-based guidance to improve your relationship dynamics.

Get Help

For support, schedule an appointment with Counselling Kenya. We offer individual and couples counseling to help you navigate relationship challenges and maintain a healthy marriage.

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